Look & Feel Younger

Renew Youthful Energy and Vibrant Good Health with VitalFactors

Fitness Tabs for Women

So Advanced, it’s Patented!

Divides your daily requirements into AM and PM doses for optimum absorption and performance.

Fitness Tabs for Men

So Advanced, it’s Patented!

Divides your daily requirements into AM and PM doses for optimum absorption and performance.

Heart Tabs

So Advanced, it’s Patented!

Precisely combines antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that support circulation and heart health.

Bio H.A. Firm & Flex

Feel Better in 7 Days!

Hydrate your joints and your skin with the power of HA. Look younger. Move Easier!

Over 40 years of nutrition expertise goes into every MDR formula. Doctors design each supplement using the latest scientific findings to improve your health.

Select single orders or subscribe to automatic replenishments for convenience and savings.

MDR As Seen In

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